This website has been funded with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this website are the sole responsibility of the Miami-Florida Jean Monnet European Union Center of Excellence at Florida International University and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.
University of Miami - 101 Ferre Bldg - Coral Gables - Law School Library - Faculty Room - 4th Floor
Guest talk: "The European Union Today: Consequences of the Constitutional Impasse and Relations with the United Sates", by Ambassador John Bruton, European Union Ambassador to the United States.
Lecture on "European Union and the United-States Relations" by Ambassador John Bruton, European Union Ambassador to the United States, former Prime Minister of the Republic of Ireland.
University of Miami - 101 Ferre Bldg - Coral Gables
Books Presentation and Conference on "The European Union and Regional Integration: a Comparative Perspective and Lessons for the Americas", by Francesc Morata, Insituto de Estudios Europeos, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Dr. Joaquin Roy and Dr. Roberto Dominguez, University of Miami
University of Miami - 101 Ferre Blvd - Merrick Building, Room 307
Lecture on "Conceptualizing European Integration: What kind of Constitution for Europe?, by Dr. Christiane Lemke and lecture on "The Constitution: Plan D" by Tomas Gronberg, European Commision Fellow 2005-2006
Conference on the euro and the dollar - Keynote presentations by: Joaquin Almunia, Member of the European Commission and Jose Manuel Gonzalez-Paramo, Member of the Executive Board, European Central Bank
MEUCE Conference: Las relaciones exteriores entre los Estados Unidos y la Union Europea (UM)
Event information
University of Law of Barcelona, Spain Faculty of Law, Seminari
Conferencia: "Las relaciones exteriores entre los Estados Unidos y la Unión Europea:conflicto, cooperación y percepción mutua" by Joaquín Roy, Catedrático "Jean Monnet" y Director del Centro de Excelencia de la Unión Europea de la Universidad de Miami y Profesor Visitante en la Universidad de Barcelona. Presentación: Andreu Olesti, Catedrático de Derecho Internacional.
CIDOB (Centre d'Informació i Documentació a Barcelona), Spain
Presentation of book: "The European Union and Regional Integration: a Comparative Perspective and Lessons for the Americas" by Joaquín Roy and Roberto Domínguez.
Biscayne Bay Marriott Hotel, 1633 N. Bayshore Drive, Miami, FL
Panel 2: “The New Andean Left and Europe”
Themes to be covered: cooperation, external investment, drugs, economic and political relations between the Andes and Europe
University Central Florida - Orlando Alumni Center in the SGA Alumni Board Room.
The 1 day workshop (from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.), "Understanding and Teaching the European Union: Hemispheric, Transatlantic and Global Perspectives", is sponsored by the Miami-Florida European Union Center of Florida International University and the University of Central Florida.
University of Miami - Coral Gables - 160 Whitten Learning Center Building
Inaugural Guest Lecture on "the European Commission: Background and Today's Challenge","y Riccardo Casale, European Commission Fellow 2006-2007, University of Miami
University of Miami - Ferré 126 Building, Coral Gables - Merrick # 306
Lecture on "European Union-Cuba relations before, during and after the Castro's illness crisis", by Dr. Roaquin Roy, Co-Director, Miami-Florida European Union Center of Excellence, University of Miami
University of Miami - Ferré 126 Building, Coral Gables - Room 241 - Student Center
Lecture on "the European Union perception and policy towards Cuba" by Dr. Roaquín Roy, Co-director, Miami-Florida European Union Center of Excellence, University of Miami
Panel on "Europe and the Middle East: Current Economic, Political and Security Concerns" by Dr. Russell Lucas, Assistant Professor, Political Science FIU, Benjamin Smith, Assistant professor, International Relations, FIU, Paul Mullen, Assistant Professor, Political Science, FIU, Markus Thiel, Visitor Professor, Political Science, FIU
University of Miami - Ferré 126 Building, Coral Gables - LC 160
Lecture on "The role of EU Member States in the United Nations: the cases of the United Kingdom and France" by Dr. Ambler H. Moss, Jr, University of Miami
University of Miami - Ferré 126 Building - Coral Gables - LC 160
Book presentation: "Towards the Completion of Europe: Analysis and Perspectives of the New European Union Enlargement", Edited by Dr. Joaquin Roy and Dr. Roberto Dominguez, UM. Presentation by authors of chapters: David Abraham, UM, Maria Ilcheva and Markus Thiel, FIU, Roger Kanet, UM
Panel on "International Careers in Diplomacy: European Perspectives" by Hon. Santiago Cabanas, Consul General of Spain in Miami, Hon. Gianfranco Colognato, Consul General of Italy in Miami, Hon. Philippe Vinogradoff, Consul General of France
Panel on "The entrance of Romania & Bulgaria in the European Union", by Hon. Victoria London, Honorary Consul or Romania, Dr. Tatiana Kostadinova, Assistant Professor, Political Science, FIU, Ms. Maria Ilcheva, Political Science, FIU, Mr. Riccardo Casale, European Union Fellow, UM
University of Miami - 160 Whitten Learning Center Building - Coral Gables Campus.
Guest presentation on "Slovenia and the EU: Lessons from the 2004 enlargement process and prospects for the EU 2008 presidency", by Samuel Žbogar, Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia to the United States