MEUCE/BILAT Webinar on Horizon 2020 and possibilities or fundings for US researchers (FIU)

Event information


Enhancing EU-US research and innovation cooperation

Webinar on Funding possibilities for US researchers in Horizon 2020

Horizon 2020, the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, is the world's largest funding programme for research projects. With a € 77 billion budget, it offers many possibilities for researchers and innovators of all thematic areas from around the world - international cooperation is highly encouraged. This webinar will deal with:

  • General structure of Horizon2020
  • Outlook on legal and financial aspects
  • Possibilities specifically for US researchers

The presentation is done by the German National Contact Point for International Cooperation (6th Challenge).

This seminar will be the first of a series of BILAT USA 2.0 webinars. This one taking a more general approach, the next four webinars will deal with the four priority areas for EU-US cooperation (Marine and Arctic research, Transport, NMP and Health). The following webinars will go into details of specific H2020 calls and conditions.

More information on the webinar series will soon be available on the website.
The EU's new Horizon 2020 Framework Program for Research and Innovation (2014-2020 ) was officially launched on December 11, 2013. A first tranche of funding of 7.8 billion euros (10.7 billion USD) being made available for calls for proposals in 2014 out of a total of almost 80 billion euros (>100 billion USD) for the seven year period.

Here is a link to the Press Release and an accompanying memo announcing the launch:


Here is the new Horizon 2020 web portal which is the unique access point for all information on the program – its content, structure, how to participate, etc.: http:/ec.europa.euprogrammes/horizon2020/

If interested in the details of how to participate, the application process, the terms and conditions, etc., let me also direct you to the Participant Portal (accessible via the main portal): http:/ec.europa.euresearch/participants/portal/desktop/en/home.html

Among other things, you will find an on-line H2020 Manual and a set of all the reference documents – detailed texts of the calls for proposals and for expert evaluators, Rules for Participation, model Grant Agreements, etc. In addition, a prezi presentation can be viewed at: http:/prezi.comdycpimkrkgml/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy

Here is the program sections, which describe the topics that will be covered in calls for proposals. http:/ec.europa.euprogrammes/horizon2020/h2020-sections