MEUCE Outreach: Dr. Roy Outreach Activities Program in Peru

Event information
Venue:Lima, Perú


Dr. Joaquín Roy completed a program of activities as set by the EU Commission grant for the chair “ad personam”, composed of lectures at universities, participation in conferences and research interviews carried out at international and regional integration organizations. In Lima, Perú, he gave a lecture entitled “La Unión Europea en crisis: consecuencias para América Latina” at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Perú on October 4, 2012. He then coordinated a workshop on EU-LA relations and integration, under the theme of “El estado de las relaciones Unión Europea-América Latina y la integración regional” held at the Academic Summit of EU-LA relations, on October 9, 2012. In the same Peruvian capital he gave a lecture on “La integración latinoamericana en tiempos de crisis de la UE” at the Lima campus of the Universidad de Piura on October 10, 2012. After holding interviews at the Delegation of the EU in Lima and at the headquarters of the Andean Community, he went north to Piura, where he lectured on “Las relaciones entre Estados Unidos y la Unión Europea” and on “Las relaciones entre la Unión Europea y América Latina antes de la Cumbre”.