Lecture on TTIP by Dr. Lucien Cernat, Chief Trade Economist, European Commission (UM)

Event information
Venue:UM - Coral Gables - AGB 431

ImageIn recent years the world has witnessed a series of major technological breakthroughs, with huge potential and economic implications. However, while the economic opportunities of 3D printing, big data, robotics, and biotech are clear, the question which remains is what do such advancements mean for global trade and investment rules? Several ‘mega‐FTAs’ (TTIP, TPP) are in the making, as well as other major trade deals. What role can such ‘mega‐FTAs’ play in shaping our common economic future? How will these ‘mega‐FTAs’ impact on the current WTO agenda?

Dr. Lucian Cernat is the Chief Trade Economist of the European Commission. With almost 20 years of experience in this field, he provides economic advice on all new EU trade initiatives and on the overall implementation of EU trade policy, influencing over 4.5 trillion euros of EU trade flows annually. He is a frequent speaker at high‐level events alongside award‐winning economists and his publications were quoted in leading international journals (Financial Times, Wall Street Journal) and other media. He is also a regular VoxEU columnist writing on various trade‐related topics. His latest paper on "Trade Policy Analysis 2.0" was among the top 10 most read economic papers at the end of 2014.

Until 2008, Dr Cernat held various positions at the United Nations in Geneva dealing with trade and development issues. He has written extensively on the development impact of trade policies, WTO negotiations, EU preferential market access, regional trade agreements, competition policy, and corporate governance. Prior to his UN experience, he was a trade negotiator with the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Lucian Cernat obtained his PhD from University of Manchester and a postgraduate diploma from Oxford University. He is also the author of Europeanization, Varieties of Capitalism and Economic Performance in Central and Eastern Europe.

This event is organized by the EU Center/Jean Monnet Chair at the University of Miami, co-organized with the Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER), UM; and supported by the Miami-Florida Jean Monnet Center of Excellence, FIU

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