EU Delegation to the US Webinar: Webinar: Europe and the Great Lockdown

Event information

The Miami-Florida Jean Monnet Center of Excellence and the European & Eurasian Studies Program at FIU would like to share this virtual event from the Delegation of the European Union to the United States.

Europe and the Great Lockdown: Economic Outlook & Policy Priorities to Reopen the EU Economy

The COVID-19 pandemic is the biggest shock to the global economy since the financial crisis of 2008. All around the world, unprecedented steps were taken to combat the virus and to protect workers and businesses while economy activity froze. As the European economy progressively starts opening again, it is time to assess the economic consequences of the pandemic, the effectiveness of EU's policy response, but also authorities' plans to boost resilience and restart economic activity, preventing a new prolonged period of sluggish growth.

Join top EU economists as they discuss the outlook for the European economy, the key measures taken by the European Union and its Member States, and some of the risks still facing the global economy.

The presentation will include a detailed look at the European Commission's revised Spring Economic Forecast, discuss the fiscal and monetary policy response, as well as some of the new institutional arrangements. The program will offer an opportunity for Q&A.

Speakers include:

Kris Orsini, Counsellor for Economic and Financial Affairs, EU Delegation to the United States

Ben Carliner, Senior Economist, EU Delegation to the United States

Moderated by:
• Yvonne Bendinger-Rothschild, Executive Director, European American Chamber of Commerce New York Chapter

To register: https:/zoom.uswebinar/register/7415855768880/WN_mKhPj2n2TuKXVkuEDK_PSQ

ImageBen Carliner
Senior Economist
European Union Delegation to the United States

Ben Carliner is the Senior Economist at the Delegation of the European Union. His primary areas of responsibility include covering US macroeconomics, with a special emphasis on US monetary and fiscal policies, transatlantic economic relations and financial markets. Prior to joining the Delegation, Carliner worked at the Economic Strategy Institute, a think tank in Washington DC, where he was the Director of Research. At ESI, Carliner focused on international economics, publishing studies and policy briefs on monetary policy, global imbalances, and international trade. Carliner has also worked in New York as the North American Editor for Project Finance International and Barron's Business and Financial Weekly. Carliner holds a Master's Degree in International Political Economy from The University of Texas-Austin, and completed his undergraduate studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is originally from Boston, MA.

ImageKristian Orsini
Counsellor for Economic and Financial Affairs
European Union Delegation to the United States

Kristian (Kris) Orsini is Counsellor for Economic and Financial Affairs at the Delegation of the European Union to the United States. His primary areas of responsibility include US economic and economic policy developments, transatlantic economic relations and relations between the EU and Multilateral Financial Institutions, mainly the IMF. Prior to joining the Delegation, Orsini worked in the European Commission Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs in the Directorate for fiscal and macroeconomic surveillance of Member States. Kris holds a Master’s Degree in in Economics from the Free University of Brussels and a Ph.D. in economics from the Catholic University of Leuven. Kris is a Swedish and Italian citizen and has lived and worked in France, Germany and Norway before joining the European Commission.