Conversations on Europe: The Importance of the Cathedral | Remote

Event information


For the last installment of Conversations on Europe for Spring 2020, join us for an interactive virtual roundtable discussion on 'The Importance of the Cathedral: Notre Dame One Year After the Fire and other Stories of Disaster'.

During this session, the European Studies Center’s year-long exploration of Memory and Politics in Europe focuses in on one building in the center of Paris: the Notre Dame Cathedral. On the one year anniversary of the devastating fire that destroyed its roof, this virtual discussion will highlight Notre Dame’s standing a lieux de mémoire for the French, as well as its significance outside of France. The Conversation will also address our current crises: what has been the importance of cathedrals as social gathering points throughout history? What is the role that such places have in shaping local and global communities? What is the impact of disasters/crises such as fire and the current pandemic on heritage sites and other cultural institutions? And what role do the arts and cultural heritage sites play during such disasters?


  • Jeremy Wells, Assistant Professor in the Historic Preservation program in the School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation, University of Maryland
  • Caroline Bruzelius, Anne Murnick Cogan Distinguished Professor Emerita of Art and Art History, Duke University
  • Julia Walker, Assistant Professor, Undergraduate Director, Art History, Binghamton University

Moderated by: Prof. Christopher Drew Armstrong, Director of Architectural Studies and Associate Professor History of Art and Architecture, University of Pittsburgh


► This event is free — To register remotely, please go to

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Hosted by European Studies Center, a Jean Monnet European Union Center of Excellence at the University of Pittsburgh

Co-sponsors and participating centers: The Miami-Florida Jean Monnet Center of Excellence at Florida International University, the Jean Monnet Center of Excellence at the University of Florida, and the European Union Center at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Georgia Tech Center for European and Transatlantic Studies

ImageMade possible through generous support from the European Commission