EESP Brown Bag Lecture Series: "Sever Not Their Heads, But Take Them Prisoner"

Event information
Venue:FIU-MMC-SIPA I, Room 502

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Brown Bag Lecture Series

Sever Not Their Heads, But Take Them Prisoner: Military Captivity and the Rules of War at the Ottoman-Montenegrin Frontier (1853-1862)

Join the European & Eurasian Studies Program for this second brown bag series. Professor Vladislav Lilić will present a paper examining the imperial origins of international laws of war and the overlooked role of Ottoman Europe in global legal history.
By the early 1860s, the Ottomans adopted the Europe-centered law of nations to regulate counterinsurgency campaigns against the renegade Christians of Montenegro. Why did the Ottoman Empire substitute foreign legal regimes for centuries-old Islamic laws of rebellion? Why did the Ottomans use laws of external war to deal with domestic enemies? How did the shifting treatment of military captives at the Ottoman-Montenegrin frontier interact with modern discourses of civilized statehood and humane warfare? By answering these questions, Professor Lilic repositions the Ottoman-Montenegrin conflicts as a legal terrain where old and new practices of war and sovereignty intersected, reshaping the imperial order in Southeastern Europe.


ImageProfessor Vladislav Lilić, Ph.D., is a scholar of Eurasian empires whose research focuses on the social and legal histories of statecraft, diplomacy, and identity building in the nineteenth-century Balkans. His first book (in progress), Empire of States: Law and Interpolity Order in Ottoman Europe, 1830-1878, traces how a wide array of elite and non-elite Ottomans in the Balkans used the law to navigate the turbulent transition from the world of empires to the world of nationalizing states.


Tatiana Kostadinova, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Politics & International Relations
Director, European & Eurasian Studies Program, FIU

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  • Ruth K. & Shepard Broad Distinguished Lecture Series
  • Department of History