Dr. Ronnie Hall will spend the spring semester 2011 as the EU Center European Commission Fellow at the University of Miami European Union Center.
Dr Ronnie Hall joined the European Commission in 1989 and worked until 1998 in the Directorate General responsible for EU regional policies financed by the European Union’s Structural Funds and Cohesion Fund. His duties were principally in the field of policy development and the preparation of reports on the state of the regions and regional policy. In 1998, he was appointed the head of division in the Directorate General for Agriculture with responsibility for rural development programmes and initiatives in twelve Member States. In September 1999, he was appointed Deputy Chief Adviser to Michel Barnier, European Commissioner responsible for regional policy until May 2004 and then to his successor Jacques Barrot. Since November 2004, Dr Hall has been director in the Directorate General for regional policy with responsibility for information and communications, international relations, the outermost regions and legal advice. Prior to joining the Commission, he was employed as an economic adviser in the Department of Finance and Personnel in Belfast, Northern Ireland. He has published articles on European regional policy and a book with Alasdair Smith and Loukas Tsoukalis, Competitiveness and Cohesion in EU Policies (Oxford University Press, 2001)