MEUCE Teacher Workshop on European Union (FIU)

Event information
Venue:Florida International University


The 1 day workshop (from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.), "Understanding and Teaching the European Union: Hemispheric, Transatlantic and Global Perspectives", is sponsored by the Miami-Florida European Union Center of Excellence at Florida International University The workshop is designed to give educators an overview of the European Union and address issues affecting Europe and EU/US international relations.

Topics to be covered may include:

  • The History of the EU
  • Institutions & Major Policies of the EU
  • The Euro Area Economy an update and Hot Topic of the Euro
  • Presentation on the Euro Challenge
  • Overview of EU Resources on the Web
  • Overview Database literacy for EU Sources

This year, the workshop will be organized for Miami-Dade county High School teachers.

The workshop will also include discussion sessions that explore ways in which EU and EU-US topics can be brought into the classroom. Workshop participants will receive a packet of materials to use in the classroom.

  • Evaluation
