American Council on Germany Fellowship Programs


Overview of Fellowship Programs

Since 1976, about 1100 American and German journalists, scholars, and other mid-career professionals in a variety of fields have been given the opportunity to travel overseas and broaden their personal and professional horizons under the auspices of the American Council on Germany's fellowship programs.

Each year Americans and Germans travel through the Council's fellowships, gaining a better understanding of how issues are approached on the other side of the Atlantic and forging lasting connections with their transatlantic counterparts and fellowship alumni alike. To learn more about these opportunities, please click the links below.

McCloy Fellowship
The McCloy Fellowship on Global Trends allows Americans and Germans to complete research on timely topics while consulting their transatlantic counterparts. Focusing on the common challenges being faced on bother sides of the Atlantic, fellows complete research in the areas of urbanization, climate change and sustainability, technological breakthroughs, and demographics and social change. Click here to learn more.

Hunt Fellowship
The Dr. Richard M. Hunt Fellowship for the Study of German Politics, Society, and Culture were established in 2003 to support American academics whose research contributes to the scholarly discourse on contemporary German society and the political, cultural, and social history of Germany. Click here to learn more.

Kellen Fellowship
The Anna-Maria and Stephen M. Kellen Fellowships provide an opportunity for exceptional American and German print, broadcast, and new media journalists to travel abroad for minimum of 21 days to conduct interviews with policymakers and cultural leaders, research timely articles, and gain an introduction to the inner workings of the American press systems. Click here to learn more.

For more information on the American Council on Germany Fellowship Programs, click here