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Other Workshops in the US and in Europe
Our BILAT partners organizes different workshops on Horizon 2020 for Faculty, Scientists, and Community at large. See below the detail of those workshops
Friday, October 31st, 2014 | 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. | Berlin - Germany
Venue: Premises of the Leibniz-Gemeinschaft - Chausseestraße 111 - 10115 Berlin (5th floor)
"BILAT USA 2.0 Workshop on US Research Funding Opportunities BERLIN"
The US is one of the top-ranked countries in technology, innovation and R&D expenditures and many European researchers and institutions have developed strong research links with US researchers and their institutions. However, some opportunities within US federal funding programs, such as NIH (National Institutes of Health) and NSF (National Science Foundation), may not be well-known in Europe, and European researchers and research managers may not be familiar with the specific application processes & grants management procedures required by US federal research funding agencies. Therefore this workshop will:
- Promote awareness of US federal research funding opportunities for European researchers
- Strengthen European institutions’ expertise in applying for and managing US research funds
- Provide case studies of research collaboration between US and European institutions
Topics that will be discussed with experts are:
- US Federal Research Funding – How to Apply, with specific focus on NIH and NSF
- Managing US Federal Research Awards with specific focus on NIH and NSF: What a European Institution Needs to Know
- Case Studies of Transatlantic Research Collaboration from a European perspective
For more information, click here
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday, October 29th, 2014 | 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. | Oslo - Norway
Venue: Research Council Norway (The Auditorium)- Drammensveien 288 - Lysaker / OSLO
"BILAT USA 2.0 Workshop on US Research Funding Opportunities OSLO"
The US is one of the top-ranked countries in technology, innovation and R&D expenditures and many European researchers and institutions have developed strong research links with US researchers and their institutions. However, some opportunities within US federal funding programs, such as NIH (National Institutes of Health) and NSF (National Science Foundation), may not be well-known in Europe, and European researchers and research managers may not be familiar with the specific application processes & grants management procedures required by US federal research funding agencies. Therefore this workshop will:
- Promote awareness of US federal research funding opportunities for European researchers
- Strengthen European institutions’ expertise in applying for and managing US research funds
- Provide case studies of research collaboration between US and European institutions
Topics that will be discussed with experts are:
- US Federal Research Funding – How to Apply, with specific focus on NIH and NSF
- Managing US Federal Research Awards with specific focus on NIH and NSF: What a European Institution Needs to Know
- Case Studies of Transatlantic Research Collaboration from a European perspective
For more information, click here
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday, October 27th, 2014 | 10:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. | Brussels - Belgium
Venue: Regus Brussels Central Station - Koloniënstraat 11 - 1000 Brussels (1st floor)
"BILAT USA 2.0 Workshop on US Research Funding Opportunities BRUSSELS"
The US is one of the top-ranked countries in technology, innovation and R&D expenditures and many European researchers and institutions have developed strong research links with US researchers and their institutions. However, some opportunities within US federal funding programs, such as NIH (National Institutes of Health) and NSF (National Science Foundation), may not be well-known in Europe, and European researchers and research managers may not be familiar with the specific application processes & grants management procedures required by US federal research funding agencies. Therefore this workshop will:
- Promote awareness of US federal research funding opportunities for European researchers
- Strengthen European institutions’ expertise in applying for and managing US research funds
- Provide case studies of research collaboration between US and European institutions
Topics that will be discussed with experts are:
- US Federal Research Funding – How to Apply, with specific focus on NIH and NSF
- Managing US Federal Research Awards with specific focus on NIH and NSF: What a European Institution Needs to Know
- Case Studies of Transatlantic Research Collaboration from a European perspective
For more information, click here
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday, October 6th, 2014 | 9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. | Rome- Italy
“Atlantic Ocean research - Detecting new ways of information exchange for enhanced collaboration”
The workshop will deal with Atlantic Ocean Research and happens on request of the EC, Unit F.4 Marine Resources. The goal of the workshop is to learn from ongoing best-practice examples for communication and information sharing processes within projects, initiatives etc. and then to finally aim for the following goals:
- An overview about what kind of information is currently shared and with which tools to collect, store and exchange them
- A suggestion for enhancing a constant information flow on Atlantic research initiatives and projects to boost international cooperation
- A commitment of the participants on what information should be shared and on future information exchange procedures
- A start of the discussion on how to effectively align available funding.
To view agenda, click here
For more information, click here
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday, June 9th, 2014 | 9:15 a.m. - 4:15 p.m. | Blackpool - United Kingdom
NCURA will be co-hosting a 1-day workshop with the Association of Research Managers and Administrators (ARMA) in the UK on the following topic:
“Introduction to the US Funding Environment”
The presenters include the following:
- 1. Vivian Holmes, Director of Sponsored Research Operations, The Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard (US), and the President of NCURA
- 2. Patricia Hawk, Director of Sponsored Programs, Oregon State University (US), and the Past President of NCURA
- 3. Marcia Hahn, Director of Division of Grants Policy, National Institutes of Health (US) – via videoconference
- 4. Jean Feldman, Head of Policy Office, National Science Foundation (US) – via videoconference
- 5. Stephen Conway, Senior Assistant Registrar, Social Sciences Division, University of Oxford, and Director of Training & Development, ARMA
The first two presenters will provide their respective institution’s perspective of US federal funding and hands-on instruction on how to manage a US federal grant; the third and fourth presenters will offer their insights into strategic funding priorities, major funding schemes and routes to accessing funding for non-US research organizations; and the fifth presenter will provide a case study of a European institution that has successfully applied for and received US federal grants.
Please find detailed information about this workshop below:
- Date: Monday, 9 June 2014 [registration deadline is Monday, 2 June 2014] Time: 9:15am – 4:15pm
- Location: Hilton Hotel and Conference Centre, Blackpool, United Kingdom Registration Webpage: https:/www.arma.ac.ukevents/training-and-development/technical-knowledge-workshop/US-funding
- Costs: £270.00 (approximately €335) + ARMA membership is required at £81.00 (approximately €100)
► Detailed Programme Description: please click here
August 11-13, 2014 - Czech Republic
ICBFA 2014 - 5th International Conference on Nanotechnology: Fundamentals and Applications
► To view Detailed Program, click here
IN THE UNITED STATES, OTHER THAN MIAMIWednesday, August 5, 2015 | 09:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. | Washington DC
H2020 Workshop at NCURA's Annual Meeting
The BILAT USA 2.0 project is hosting a free Horizon 2020 workshop in Washington, DC on August 5, 2015.
Horizon 2020 is the European Union’s €80 billion ($90 billion) research program. In addition to hands-on training in finding and applying for funding opportunities for U.S. institutions, this workshop for the first time will include U.S. research administrators (private and public universities) that have successfully applied for and received Horizon 2020 awards.
Session Leaders/Speakers:
- Olaf Heilmayer, DLR (German Aerospace Research Agency)
- Nina Schüle, DLR (German Aerospace Research Agency)
- Viktoria Bodnarova, EURAXESS Links North America
- Zygmunt Krasinski, Polish National Contact Point for Research Programmes of the European Union (KPK), IPPT PAN
- Jennifer A. Ponting, JD/Director, Pre-Award Services, Harvard University
- Ryan Lankton, JD, MSI, Office of Research and Sponsored Projects, University of Michigan
► Registration: https:/www.surveymonkey.coms/H2020AM57
► More information is available here
Location: Washington Hilton Hotel - 1919 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Washington DC
Tuesday, March 17th, 2015 - 11:00 a.m.: Webinar
“Invitation to the BILAT USA 2.0 and ERA-Can+ Webinar on Financial Issues of H2020”
BILAT USA 2.0 and ERA-Can+ project are pleased to invite you to a webinar on financial issues in Horizon 2020 (H2020) on March 17, 2015 at 11 am (EST), 5 pm (CET).
The webinar will be hosted by PT-DLR and target US and Canadian researchers who already have experience with the new EU Framework Programme in support of Research and Innovation, Horizon 2020. If you are not yet familiar with Horizon 2020, please listen to a previous webinar ‘Introduction to H2020’, available on the ERA-CAN+ website http:/www.era-can.netnews/era-can-webinar-on-horizon-2020 or follow this link directly: https:/webconf.vc.dfn.dep39onein2oe.
Nina Schüle, Senior administrative officer at PT-DLR, will present legal and financial issues of H2020 covering therewith Rules for Participation, Funding Conditions and Agreements as well as Financial Management & Payment Modalities, Financial Rules and Reporting/Audits. The panelist will also be available to answer questions raised by the audience.
To register for one of the webinars, please write a mail to info@era-can.net indicating your name, last name, institution, city and country!
This webinar will be recorded and made available on the BILAT USA 2.0 and ERA-Can+ project website. The webinars are available in English only.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thursday, March 12th, 2015 - 1:00 a.m.-2:30 p.m.: Webinar
“Webinars - Eye on NIH Policy: OMB Uniform Guidance”
The Presentation Video and Interactive Q&A are designed for research administrators and faculty at research institutions who work with NIH grants and are responsible for understanding NIH grants policies.
The Eye on NIH Policy: OMB Uniform Guidance - What It Means for NIH & You Presentation Video provides viewers with information on recent and upcoming changes to NIH policy as a result of the publication of HHS' regulations implementing OMB's Uniform Guidance, and how it affects the grants process. The Interactive Q&A provides an opportunity for the grantee community to get their questions answered by NIH policy officials.
For more information on the webinar and how to register, click here
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday, March 4th, 2015 - 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. - Orlando, FL (Free Workshop)
“Learning about Horizon 2020: The Opportunities and Hands-On Knowledge”
Venue: Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin, Oceanic 3 - 1500 Epcot Resorts Blvd. - Orlando, FL 32930
► To view detailed program, click here
► To register, click here
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Friday, Feb. 20th, 2015 - 8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. - Boston (Free Workshop)
“Destination Europe Conference: Your Research & Innovation Opportunities”
Venue: TAJ HOTEL - 15 Arlington Street, Boston MA 02116 USA
► To view detailed program, click here
► To register, click here
Thursday, Feb.12th, 2015 - 8:00 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. - San Jose, CA (Free Workshop)
“Destination Europe Conference: Your Research & Innovation Opportunities”
Venue: HYATT PLACE SAN JOSE DOWNTOWN - 282 S Almaden Blvd, San José, CA 95113
► To view detailed program, click here
► To register, registration, click here
Friday, Oct.17th, 2014 - 8:00 a.m. - 5:15 p.m. - Atlanta (Free Workshop)
“Destination Europe: Your Research & Innovation Opportunities”
Venue: Georgia Tech Global Learning Center - 84 5th Street NW - Atlanta, GA 30308-1031
► To view detailed program, click here
► To register ,click here
Friday, June 20th, 2014 - 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. - Boston (Free Workshop)
"Accelerating EU-US Business Collaboration in Health/e-Health Research & Innovation: Opportunities, Barriers and Best Practices"
Venue: Atlantic Wharf, Waterfront District- Fort Point Room, 2nd Floor - 290 Congress Street, Boston, MA 02210
► To view detailed program, click here
► To view press release,click here
► To view report,click here
June 23-26, 2014 - Bio International Convention - San Diego, California
The European Commission (DG RTD Health Directorate and DG ENTR) will be present at this year's BIO with the following sessions:
- Innovation in Life Sciences and Health Care – the European response
Speaker: L. Bochereau (DG RTD)
- Session at Agri Pavilion: Private-Public partnership on bio-based industry: a European love story
Speaker: A. Landabaso (DG RTD)
- Mining for gold – creating business opportunities from publicly funded collaborative research Moderator: T. Ingemansson (DG RTD) http:/mybio.zerista.comevent/member/104232
- Early stage government funding programs for life sciences startups: best practices from experiences in the USA and the European Union
Speaker: R. Draghia-Akli (Director for Health Research, DG RTD)
Moderator: L. Bochereau (DG RTD) http:/mybio.zerista.comevent/member/110546
- Developing TB vaccines – A new business model based on shared technical, financial and market risks Moderator: L. Matthiessen (DG RTD) http:/mybio.zerista.comevent/member/103956 http:/mybio.zerista.comevent/member/104231
► To view Detailed Program, click here
► Venue: click here
► To view more events, click here