Testimonials 2024

Archimedean Upper Conservatory

Riana Hazra
Archimedean Upper Conservatory
9th grade

Participating in Euro Challenge has been an incredibly eye-opening experience for me. Through Euro Challenge, I have learned public speaking and the importance of teamwork, all while gaining extensive economic knowledge. My favorite part was the competition day, which was exhilarating and enjoyable at both the regional and semifinal levels. The thrill of competing and sharing our in-depth research on Ireland was immensely rewarding. I encourage every high school student to join the Euro Challenge and embark on this journey, gaining knowledge that will benefit them for years to come.

Archimedean Upper Conservatory

Gabriela Rosa
Archimedean Upper Conservatory
9th grade

Participating in Euro challenge as a freshman has been an absolutely instrumental experience, to my journey in high school. The competition allowed me to explore new and exciting fields of interest, and discover new passions. It has undoubtedly been one of the most enjoyable academic competitions I have participated in, and I would urge any student to take a chance on it! It has also cultivated me into a more informed and cultured student, by pushing me to learn about foreign nations, and their economies. Overall, participating in the Euro challenge competition was both a rewarding and pleasurable experience, and I can't wait to participate in it next year!!

Archimedean Upper Conservatory, Miami-Dade County

Dylan Suster Sanchez
Archimedean Upper Conservatory
9th grade

Hello, my name is Dylan Suster Sanchez and I participated in the 2024 Euro Challenge competition for Archimedean Upper Conservatory. My team qualified for the national level from performing well in the FIU Florida regional's. But besides that, id like to briefly talk about my personal experience with Euro Challenge. At the beginning of the year, being a freshman, I didn’t know it even existed. Euro Challenge taught me a lot, from improving my Research skills, to working well with my amazing teammates. Overall, the Euro Challenge experience is a challenging-but rewarding one!

The Benjamin School, Palm Beach County

  • Annabelle Persson, 10th grade
  • Sage Ponchock, 10th grade
  • Isabella Pedroni Spinola, 9th grade
  • Madison Lambert, 10th grade*

"Three members of our team competed in the Euro Challenge in 2023 and progressed to the National competition in 2024. This year, we added another student to our team. We progressed again to the National Competition where we placed 4th overall with our presentation regarding “Climate Change and Going Green in Greece”. The Euro Challenge was an incredible experience that we have enjoyed immensely for the past two years. We have enjoyed every minute of it and are sad that we can no longer compete. However, we will continue to value the experience and knowledge we have gained about the Euro Area and the economics surrounding the zone. The suggestions and mentoring we were given from skilled financial advisors and energy specialists were invaluable and incredible to receive. We hope that many other students will take this incredible opportunity to partake in the Challenge.”

P.K. Yonge Developmental Research School

ImageValeria Andrade
P.K. Yonge Developmental Research School
11th grade

The Euro Challenge competition has helped me grow immensely as a student and person. It has helped me develop into a person with strong presentation and public speaking skills, which I can use to further benefit my academic career.

The Euro Challenge also has helped me think outside the box and has shown me how looking at a problem through different perspectives can generate a creative solution.

I love participating in this competition because we as a team get to showcase our hard work and knowledge and build camaraderie between each other.

ImagePurni Hasitha Tumati
P.K. Yonge Developmental Research School
11th grade

Participating as a semifinalist in the Euro Challenge Competition was a transformative experience that significantly contributed to my personal and academic growth. This journey provided me with a profound understanding of economic principles and the multifaceted factors that influence global economies daily. One of the most impactful aspects of the competition was the in-depth research required to analyze and present on specific economic challenges faced by the Eurozone. This process immersed me in the complexities of economic policies, fiscal strategies, and monetary regulations. It was through this rigorous research that I learned to appreciate the delicate balance policymakers must maintain to ensure economic stability and growth. Understanding the dynamics of inflation, unemployment, and GDP growth within the Eurozone, for instance, sheds light on the interconnectedness of global economies and the ripple effects that policy decisions in one region can have worldwide.

The competition also enhanced my communication skills. Presenting our findings to a panel of judges required clarity, confidence, and the ability to engage an audience. This experience taught me how to convey complex information effectively, a skill that is essential in any professional setting. The constructive feedback from judges and peers helped me refine my presentation techniques and boosted my confidence in public speaking.

Working as part of a team was another significant learning experience. Collaborating with peers to research, discuss, and present our topic highlighted the importance of teamwork and diverse perspectives. Each team member brought unique insights and strengths to the table, and learning to integrate these effectively was a key to our success. This experience underscored the value of collaboration and the power of collective intelligence in tackling complex issues. Beyond the technical and interpersonal skills, the Euro Challenge fostered a deeper awareness of current global economic issues. It instilled in me a sense of responsibility to stay informed about economic developments and to understand their broader implications. This awareness is crucial in today’s interconnected world, where economic events in one part of the globe can have significant repercussions elsewhere.

In reflection, my time as a semifinalist in the Euro Challenge Competition was a period of substantial growth. It equipped me with a robust understanding of economic factors, enhanced my analytical and communication skills, and taught me the importance of teamwork. More importantly, it sparked a lasting interest in economics and global affairs, encouraging me to continue exploring how economic policies shape our world every day. This experience has undoubtedly laid a strong foundation for my future academic and professional endeavors.